简介:《探索新境》由华纳兄弟探索集团旗下的Discovery探索频道国际团队倾力打造,是王一博参与的首档户外探索纪实节目。王一博跟随六位Discovery中国探索家,分别前往六个极致地理目的地,雪山、沙漠、海岛、热带雨林等,开启深入极境的户外探索之旅。 在六段奇妙且刺激的旅程中,王一博与中国顶尖的生存和户外专家一道,探索极致的自然环境及户外挑战:在茂密的热带雨林中寻找珍稀的海南长臂猿,在大海夜潜拍摄璀璨的荧光珊瑚,在广袤无垠的沙漠中独自生活……节目不仅呈现了王一博探索未知自然的“新境”,还在过程中探讨年轻人关于成长的话题,展现当代年轻人不断突破、勇于探索的“心境”。 《探索新境》节目将自2024年8月31日起,在腾讯视频独家播出。
简介:酗酒康复的单亲母亲,与患脑退化症的鳏夫,在高中旧同学聚会上重遇。她设法忘记过去,却摆脱不了伤痛回忆;他努力记住今天,却无法忆起眼前往事。在记忆与遗忘的夹缝中无处可逃,两个寂寞生命试图在不属于他们的当下互相抱拥,寻觅仅余的一线生机。《日暮》的米歇尔·弗兰克 ,镜头保留一贯冷静锋锐,手术刀似的剁开性虐与家庭暴力的深层创伤;谢茜嘉谢西婷与彼得赛斯嘉相濡以沫,还生命的脆弱以人性的感温,后者更荣膺威尼斯影帝。
简介:阴间大法师(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)回来了!在发生一场意想不到的家庭悲剧后,迪兹家族的三代家人又回到冬河镇的家中。丽迪亚(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)仍然受到阴间大法师的纠缠,当她叛逆的女儿阿斯特丽德(珍娜·奥尔特加 Jenna Ortega 饰)在阁楼发现了神秘的小镇模型,以及通往阴间的入口不小心被打开之后,她的生活就被搞得天翻地覆。当阴间和阳间开始出现麻烦时,迟早会有人说出阴间大法师的名字三次,然后这个调皮捣蛋的恶魔就会回来,释放他独特的混乱力量。
简介:杰森·斯坦森有望出演STX动作惊悚片[杀手游戏](The Killer’s Game,暂译),导演D·J·卡卢索([极限特工3:终极回归])。影片改编自杰·博纳辛加1997年出版的小说。故事主角是一个被误诊患绝症且遭前同事追杀的杀手。派拉蒙等多家公司早在多年前便有意拍摄此片,男主曾一度选定迈克尔·基顿等。
简介:影片延续前作剧情,故事从“小丑”亚瑟(华金·菲尼克斯 饰)被捕后展开,他在狱中等待着审判日的到来。然而,就在亚瑟与自己的双重人格缠斗之时,他不仅偶遇真爱,甚至还释放出一直潜藏在内心的旋律。
简介:A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a nearby baseball field, and the task of scooping up the sand and putting it in buckets seems meaningless. Chizuru, who used to be unbeatable in the swim club in middle school even against boys, practices imaginary swimming in the sand-filled pool, while Kokoro, who is serious about cultivating her feminine charm by diligently applying makeup, doesn’t care about cleaning. With their own stories, Miku, who diligently practices dance moves typically performed by men, and Yui, who was the swim club captain last year, and the other girls meet and converse on the pool floor under the summer sun, where unexpected conflicts arise and resolve in unexpected ways. Through a few hours in a day at a high school, the film interestingly shows the sensibilities and desires, dreams and hopes, anger and frustration of that time.
简介:影片翻拍自黑泽清1998年的同名作品,原作讲述一名男子的女儿惨遭虐杀,于是他招募另一名男子协助他查明真相并报复杀害他女儿的凶手。法版由柴咲幸、达米安·勃纳尔主演,主角变为一位女性(柴咲幸 饰),故事的发生地也都变更为法国。
简介:The year is 1963. A women's liberation movement the size of today's #MeToo movement has been underway for a while, and it's rolling across the Western world like an avalanche. In a luxury flat in central Copenhagen we meet one of the period's biggest female writers, Tove Ditlevsen, accompanied by her husband, the sadistic editor in chief Victor Andreasen. Her talent is indisput...
简介:The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s hard for them to agree on even the most trivial of things. Nevertheless, this enforced cohabitation will also bring certain revelations for both o...
简介:A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly c...
简介:No matter how many changes the TV industry goes through, it simply cannot keep down a certain whiskey-loving badass and her crew. Vanity Fair can exclusively reveal that Wynonna Earp, the beloved drama that ended its four-season Syfy run in 2021, will return later this year with a scripted special on Tubi, tentatively titled Wynonna Earp: Vengeance. The 90-minute special was written by the show’s creator and executive producer, Emily Andras. Melanie Scrofano (Wynonna herself), Tim Rozon (Doc Holliday), Dom Provost-Chalkley (Waverly Earp), and Katherine Barrell (Nicole Haught) will all be back, and other familiar faces are likely to return as well. Paolo Barzman, who directed many episodes of the drama, will helm the special, which starts shooting in and around Wynonna Earp’s former Calgary stomping grounds soon and will come out in late 2024.
简介:A fame hungry, chronic underachiever, sets out to seek revenge and kill five people in his lunch break.